Three Days of Prayer and Fasting

Join us in a time of powerful entrance to the throne-room of God as we seek Him in prayer and fasting! The week of July 4th, we are picking 3 individual days of the week to commit to fasting and praying.

Last Sunday, Pastor preached a message called, “Such a Time as This”. In the message, he detailed the 4 steps taken by the Israelites in the book of Esther, and paralleled them to our present situations. The four steps were:

  1. Preparation (Fasting)
  2. Supplication (Prayer)
  3. Demonstration (God’s intervention)
  4. Celebration (Glorifying God)

Over the next week, Pastor challenged the church to enter into 3 Days of Prayer and Fasting. Each person present received a yellow wrist-band to wear, which has a prayer focus on it. This wristband will serve as a reminder of our commitment to fast and pray. The focus areas for prayer are:

  1. A personal request that you need God to move in
  2. Those who have fallen away from God in our church and families
  3. Revival in the city of Kentwood

As God begins answering prayers, please fill out a “Praise Report” using our contact form… we want to chronicle the progress as we press into consecration together and witness a powerful move of God!