Red Letter Conversations - Discussion 5
Discovering life in the words of Jesus Devotions ListSign up
The Doubtful Disciples
Christ Speaks to the Problem of Limited Faith
Pray together for the group meeting, and any pressing needs within the group.
Mission Talk
Each week you’ll spend some time sharing about the previous week’s mission. What was your mission, what were your results, and what did you learn from it?
Watch the following discussion-starter video. It’ll set the topic of discussion for the group.
Read Mark 6:30-44
- One person will first read the scripture selection in the King James Version.
- Next, another person will read the same passages in a modern language or amplified version for more clarity such as the New Living Translation (NLT), Message Bible (MSG), New English Translation (NET), Amplified Bible (AMP), etc. We recommend using the YouVersion Bible app.
- One person will begin retelling the scripture passage in their own words (a new person to start each week is great!) Then…
- As a group, work together to fill in gaps and build the story. This will help us internalize and own it. Be sure everyone participates.
Together, share around the group how the topic and scripture setting applies to your life personally. Here are some thoughts to consider for discussion… don’t let the discussion stop here, though… what questions can you ask that will help uncover God’s message?
Excited and Spent – verses 30-31
- At this point at the beginning of the story, how would you describe the disciples’ ministry?
- What sort of things could they have been sharing with Jesus?
- What was their relationship with Jesus like at this time?
- Were they more concerned more for themselves, or others?
- What kinds of pressure does ministry have with it?
- What was Jesus concerned about in verse 31?
A Great Need – verses 32-34
- Where did the disciples take their boat, and why?
- Did they get their time of rest and recuperation?
- What does this tell us about ministry?
- How might the people have known where they were going?
- Why did the people come to find them?
- Did this growing problem catch the disciples by surprise?
- Did it surprise Jesus?
- What foreknowledge would Jesus have had about this event, and what was his purpose with it?
- Do the circumstances of our life ever catch God by surprise? How should that make us feel?
- To the crowd that was gathered, who was Jesus? Messiah? The Son of God? A prophet? A good teacher?
- While other famous people might have sent them away, how did Jesus respond to them? (Note the verbs in verse 34)
Meeting a need – verses 35-36
- Who first recognized there was a need among the people?
- How did the disciples describe the need?
- Was the disciples’ suggestion practical? Why or why not?
- What does their suggestion reflect about their faith?
- Describe an example in our lives where we look to natural solutions instead of supernatural.
- How did the disciples feel about their capability of meeting the needs of the people?
- What other options could they have suggested?
- At this point, had the disciples eaten or rested yet?
A Great Challenge – verses 37-40
- Jesus challenged them to feed the large crowd. What might have been going through their minds at this command?
- Do miracles generally happen when we’re content, or in need? What effect should this have on our faith?
- In what ways has God challenged your faith when things seemed out of your hands?
- How did the disciples respond to Jesus’ command to feed the crowd?
- Did their success depend on them, or on Jesus?
- How would an atheist respond if they were asked by Jesus to feed a multitude?
- How similar is this to they Christians often respond to Jesus?
- Jesus asked them to take inventory… what was their answer?
- When we think we have nothing with which to help, what does God see?
- How could God work through people who have little?
- Does admitting our need and offering what we have to Jesus always guarantee a miracle? Why or why not?
- Was the food they had even enough to feed themselves?
- In verses 39 and 40, Jesus instructs them to organize the people. What might this tell us about preparing for a miracle?
- What kind of faith would be required in order to set up a banquet for thousands of people with no food in sight?
- What does this tell us about believing the Word of God as opposed to beleiving our eyes?
A Great Miracle – verses 41-44
- In verse 41 there are 6 verbs describing what Jesus did… what are they?
- After Jesus first broke the bread and fish, how did the miracle continue?
- Was this a small snack to the multitude, or a feast?
- What does this tell us about Jesus’ ability to provide for us?
- What impact would this miracle have had on the disciples?
- Describe a time when God put you in an “impossible situation” so you could depend totally on Him.
- What should we do when faced with an impossibility?
- When God asks you to obey an impossible command, where will the ability come from to do it?
In light of what we now know about this passage, what is God calling you to do this week? As a group, take just a couple of minutes to silently pray to God asking, “Lord, what do you want me to do this week because of what I’ve seen today?” Briefly write this down as a personal mission statement for the week,
“Lord, this week, I will __________________________.”
Some possible suggestions:
- Lord, this week I will take a step of faith in _______________.
- Lord, this week I will find time with you alone to rest and rejuvenate my spirit.
- Lord, this week I will “count my blessings” and talk to you about the things you and I have been doign togther.
- Even better, write your own!
Next Week’s Scriptures
The Mother of Two Sons: Christ Speaks to the Problem of Misguided Ambition – Matthew 20:20-28