Seeing the Higher Purpose
Pray together for the group meeting, and any pressing needs within the group.
Each week you’ll spend some time reviewing the previous week’s lesson. Did anything happen last week that brought the lesson to mind, and what did you learn from it?
Watch the following discussion-starter video. It’ll set the topic of discussion for the group.
Read: John 8:1-20.
- One person will first read the scripture selection in the King James Version.
- Next, another person will read the same passages in a modern language or amplified version for more clarity such as the New Living Translation (NLT), Message Bible (MSG), New English Translation (NET), Amplified Bible (AMP), etc. We recommend using the YouVersion Bible app.
- One person will begin retelling the scripture passage in their own words (a new person to start each week is great!) Then…
- As a group, work together to fill in gaps and build the story. This will help us internalize and own it. Be sure everyone participates.
Together, share around the group how the topic and scripture setting applies to your life personally. Here are some thoughts to consider for discussion… don’t let the discussion stop here, though… what questions can you ask that will help uncover God’s message?
📚Knowledge, 💡Understanding and ⚡️Wisdom
The Setting
- 📚What area of the city did this event take place in?
- 📚What part of the temple did this happen?
The Purpose
- 📚What had the crowd of people come for this day?
- 📚What purpose did the woman’s accusers come for?
- 💡Why do you suppose Jesus came that day?
The Showdown
- 📚What was the woman accused of?
- 📚What was supposed to happen to a person caught in adultery?
- 💡Did Jesus argue with the men about the accusation?
- 💡Regarding the accusation against the woman, what might have been the general crowd’s feelings or beliefs?
- 💡What was the perspective of the scribes and pharisees?
- Were they using godly wisdom?
- Was their motive justice, or something else?
- 💡What was the woman’s perspective of the event?
- Was she treated fairly?
- ⚡️What did Jesus say that turned away the accusers, and what authority did he have to say it?
- ⚡️What did Jesus tell the woman to do after the men left, and what authority did he have to say this?
- ⚡️The law said the woman should die for her sin. The law also said there must be two or more witnesses. Once the men left, was the law fulfilled?
The Plan
- 💡Was Jesus there to free a woman, or to proclaim who He was to the people?
- 💡If Jesus’ main goal wasn’t to proclaim who he was, where would the story have ended?
- 💡How did Jesus use the event with the woman to further His higher purpose?
- ⚡️Consider Jesus’ actions throughout the event… Did His focus change from her freedom to His proclamation, or was it always the same?
- ⚡️What benefit is there to keeping focus on our higher purpose in life’s circumstances?
The Higher Purpose
- 📚What was Jesus’ higher purpose in coming this day?
- 💡What does it mean for Jesus to be the light of the world?
- 💡Should the scribes have known who Jesus really was?
- 💡Did the crowd of people understand what Jesus was claiming about his identity?
- ⚡️Why is it possible to have knowledge of scripture, but miss revelation of it’s meaning?
- ⚡️How difficult is it for you to look at facts from a different point of view?
- What role does your attitude or emotion play in how you examine facts?
- ⚡️What is the danger in being unwilling to look at facts from a different perspective?
- ⚡️What did Jesus mean when he said “if you had known me you would have known my father?”
- ⚡️What can we do to ensure we’re able to receive wisdom without being blinded by the wrong agenda?
Next Week…
Naaman – Humility To Receive Wisdom – 2 Kings 5:1-27