Episode 5 – The Wedding Gift
In Cana, 26 AD, Mary helps her friend prepare for her son’s wedding. Nicodemus interrogates the detained John the Baptizer concerning signs and wonders. Simon tells Eden that he will quit fishing to follow Jesus. Thomas and his business partner Ramah prepare wine for the wedding. Jesus and his students make their way to the wedding, while John the Baptizer explains his ministry and Jesus’ ministry to Nicodemus. During the wedding, Thaddeus and Little James share how Jesus called them. Thomas and Ramah worry as the wine runs low. Mary immediately asks her son to intervene on behalf of the bridegroom’s family and tells the servants to do everything Jesus says. Jesus instructs them to fill jars with water and they obey, yet Thomas expresses doubts. Jesus prays his readiness to his Father, turning the water into wine. When the wine is served, the master of the banquet exclaims it is the best he has ever tasted. Thomas and Ramah accept the invitation to join and meet Jesus in Samaria in 12 days.
Pray together for the group meeting, and any pressing needs within the group.
Watch the following discussion-starter video. It’ll set the topic of discussion for the group.
- Luke 2:41-52
- Jeremiah 33:10-16
- 1 Kings 19:19-21
- John 2:1-12
- Proverbs 30:4
Jesus, Mary the mother of Jesus, John the Baptist, Nicodemus, Simon, Thomas
He gave us even more than we needed.
~Ramah to Thomas
Personal Impact
What quote from this episode was the most meaningful/impactful to you? Why?
- Which characters stood out to you most? Which were most interesting? Most moving?
- How do you think Jesus’ parents struggled in raising him?
- Instead of condemning John, Nicodemus sat down and said, “Tell me about your ministry.” When was the last time you sat down and talked to someone you might not agree with and simply said “Tell me more.”
- What are the benefits of this kind of conversation?
- What did you think of Eden’s response to Peter’s calling?
- Just as the servants had to draw the water before they saw the miracle, what are ways you can step out in faith because of God’s promises?
- Jesus reassures Thomas that while it’s good to ask questions, we won’t always understand the answers, or even get answers. How do you handle this?
Explore Deeper – John 2:1-11
- READ: One person will first read the scripture selection in the King James Version.
- RE-READ: Next, another person will read the same passages in a modern language or amplified version for more clarity such as the New Living Translation (NLT), Message Bible (MSG), New English Translation (NET), Amplified Bible (AMP), etc. We recommend using the YouVersion Bible app.
- RETELL: One person will begin retelling the scripture passage in their own words (a new person to start each week is great!) Then as a group, work together to fill in gaps and build the story. This will help us internalize and own it. Be sure everyone participates.
- Why do you think Mary approached Jesus when she learned they had run out of wine?
- What did Jesus mean when he said, “my hour is not yet come”?
- What did Mary tell the servants of the wedding to do? How could this statement apply to your own life?
- Why might it be important to note that the water pots started out empty?
- What actions did Jesus personally do in the miracle?
- Why might Jesus have instructed them to first give the wine to the ruler of the feast?
- The ruler of the feast said that most people give worst wine first, but that this wedding saved the best wine for last. What ways has God “saved the best for last” in your life?
- What was the impact of this miracle on Jesus’ public ministry?
- This was Jesus’ first miracle in Cana. What was the first miracle he performed in your life?