The Chosen - Season 2 - Discussion 2
Viewing Jesus through the eyes of those who met Him Devotions ListSign up
Episode 2 – I Saw You
In Caesarea Philippi, Nathanael fails in his project under a Roman commission. In Bashan, Philip arrives from John the Baptizer seeking to meet Jesus, but the disciples are hesitant. Simon is jealous of him as Philip begins to mentor Matthew. A distressed Nathanael sits under a fig tree and grieves, reciting a Psalm and crying out, asking if the Lord sees him. Hearing nothing, he burns his architectural drawings of a synagogue. At camp, Thaddeus advises Matthew yet tension builds between Simon and Matthew. Philip visits and comforts Nathanael, telling his downcast friend about the one they’ve been waiting for their entire lives. Nathanael is skeptical but agrees to meet Jesus, who tells him he saw him under the fig tree and heard his cry. Upon hearing this, Nathanael declares Jesus is the Son of God and the King of Israel. As the group heads to a new city, John arrives with a word that Jesus’ fame is growing.
Pray together for the group meeting, and any pressing needs within the group.
Watch the following discussion-starter video. It’ll set the topic of discussion for the group.
- John 1:43-51
- Ezekiel 39:6-10
- Psalm 27:7-95
- Deuteronomy 6:4-5
Jesus, Thaddeus, Phillip, Nathanael, Andrew & Peter, Thomas, Rema, Mary Magdalene, Matthew
I was something else once too. The people out there want to define us by our past, by our sins; but we’re different. We’re awake.
Personal Impact
- What is your one BIG idea from this episode? (What captured your imagination most, and what would you first share with someone about this episode and how God spoke to you through it?)
- What quote from this episode was the most meaningful/impactful to you? Why?
- The episode begins and ends with Nathanael. He thought his life was lost, only to discover something beautiful after meeting Jesus. Describe a time when you thought something was lost or “over”, and Jesus turned it around.
- Nathanael told the bartender that he had died of “hubris.” What did he mean and why is that significant to the story?
- Phillip played several roles in the episode, but he played a key role in bringing Nathanael to Jesus. Nathanael said, “I’ve never seen you talk like this.” What would it take for you to talk so compellingly about Jesus to someone?
- What can you conclude by Jesus’ being aware of Nathanael’s lowest moment?
- What joke did Phillip tell Matthew to help him loosen up? What did you think about the way he related with Matthew?
- Matthew said he felt “outside the circle.” What did he mean, and can you identify?
- What are some ways we could relate to others in order to influence them… even if we aren’t “like them”?
- We see another instance of the life of Jesus being written down in Matthew’s journal. Why is that meaningful?
- Peter advocated for more structure. What was he really wanting? What is significant about that?
- Jesus said, “Each brings something unique to the whole. I want every voice heard. We can all learn something from each other. “ It seems to echo Paul’s teaching about spiritual gifts. Why do we need each other?
- What other observations did you have?
Explore Deeper – John 1:43-51
- READ: One person will first read the scripture selection in the King James Version.
- RE-READ: Next, another person will read the same passages in a modern language or amplified version for more clarity such as the New Living Translation (NLT), Message Bible (MSG), New English Translation (NET), Amplified Bible (AMP), etc. We recommend using the YouVersion Bible app.
- RETELL: One person will begin retelling the scripture passage in their own words (a new person to start each week is great!) Then as a group, work together to fill in gaps and build the story. This will help us internalize and own it. Be sure everyone participates.
Verse 43
- Jesus’ invitation to his followers was pretty simple, “follow me”. Would you say following Jesus is simple, or complicated, and why?
- It says Jesus wanted to go to Galilee, and found Philip… as though it was important for Philip to be part of that journey. How might Jesus have specific plans for us?
Verse 44
- How might Philip’s hometown being the same as Andrew and Peter have influenced his knowledge of Jesus?
Verse 45
- What is significant about the fact that Philip immediately told someone about Jesus after he was called?
- What was Philip’s understanding of Jesus’ identity at this moment?
- Is it possible to be a witness for Jesus without having a full understanding of him? Explain.
Verse 46
- What was Nathanael’s first impression of Jesus, even having not yet met him?
- What was Philip’s response to Nathanael, and why is it important?
- How important is it for the individual Christ-follower to bring others to Jesus?
Verse 47
- What might have gone through Nathanael’s mind the moment Jesus responded to words he said in private?
- How does God respond to our private words or secret thoughts of doubt, fear, or confusion?
Verse 48
- Nathanael was rightfully taken back at Jesus’ divine knowledge of his words, and said, “How do you know me?” What was Jesus’ reply?
- How does it feel to know that Jesus sees us before we know we need him?
Verse 49
- Who did Nathanael confess Jesus to be?
- What would this confession have meant in his generation?
Verse 50
- Many times in scripture, Jesus made the connection between seeing and believing. Why is it important for us as humans to have visible evidence of the supernatural?
- Could you share a situation where a divine act of God increased your faith?
- Jesus said, “You’ll see even greater things”. What confidence does this give you about the ability of God to do miracles in your life?
Verse 51
- Jesus referred to a dream Jacob had in Genesis 28 of angels ascending and descending on a ladder between heaven and earth. Here, he alludes to himself being that ladder. In what ways does this verse help us to understand Jesus’ role as a connection between God and mankind?
- How has Jesus given you access to heavenly things?