The Chosen - Season 2 - Discussion 4
Viewing Jesus through the eyes of those who met Him Devotions ListSign up
Episode 4 – The Perfect Opportunity
Jesse, a paralytic, spends 38 years searching for a cure and stays at the Pool of Bethesda while his brother Simon joins the Zealots, training to become one. Jesus and the disciples head to Jerusalem to prepare for the Feast of Tabernacles. Assisted in Jerusalem by fellow Pharisee, Yanni, Shmuel preaches against false prophecy. The disciples discuss the scriptures as they celebrate the feast. After being informed concerning Shmuel, Jesus decides to go to Bethesda Pool to meet someone, bringing Simon, John, and Matthew. Simon the Zealot. visits Jesse to bid goodbye to him. At Bethesda, Jesus approaches Jesse, asking him if he wants to be healed. Jesus heals Jesse and John writes down the miracle. Witnessing the healing, Yanni and other Pharisees are upset and admonish Jesse for carrying a mat on Shabbat. The Zealots plot to assassinate a Roman magistrate with Simon Z leading the plan, but Atticus Aemilius, a Roman police officer, discovers their plan. When the assassination plan is being carried out, Simon Z is distracted as he sees Jesse walking. The two brothers reconcile and Atticus Aemilius is bewildered. Jesus withdraws himself and Simon Z searches for him.
Pray together for the group meeting, and any pressing needs within the group.
Watch the following discussion-starter video. It’ll set the topic of discussion for the group.
- Psalm 69
- Zepheniah 3:17
- Zechariah 14:16
- John 5:1-30
Jesus, Zealots, Pharisees, Disciples
You’re not coming back here. That life is over. Everything changes now.
Personal Impact
- What is your one BIG idea from this episode? (What captured your imagination most, and what would you first share with someone about this episode and how God spoke to you through it?)
- What quote from this episode was the most meaningful/impactful to you? Why?
- Which characters stood out to you most? Which were most interesting? Most moving?
- How could the Pharisees, Zealots, and others interpret the same scripture passages so differently? What do you rely on to help you interpret the scriptures?
- The disciples talk about the feast and sleeping outside to be a great leveler of man. The poor, the rich- everyone faces the same difficulties. What did Mary say it was to remind them of and why is it necessary to have that reminder?
- Simon the Zealot and Jesse (invalid by the Pool of Bethesda) are creatively connected as brothers by the series. How did the back story give you insight into the misery of Jesse whom John 5:5 tells us had been disabled for 38 years? How might his presence at the Pool of Bethesda indicate his desire to be healed?
- The religious elite and the religious extreme were both missing out on the miracles of Jesus. Jesse’s hope was misplaced but why do you think he still experienced the miracle and what was the significance of that?
- As you witnessed the disciples’ preparation for the Festival of Booths, what thoughts did you have about the significance of religious tradition/heritage, and about how Jews experienced God in community?
- Jesus knew who He was looking for at the pool. He went seeking Jesse. Who is the Jesse in your life? Why? (Answer from his brother’s perspective and from Jesus’ perspective.)
- Jesus told Jesse the pool had nothing to offer him. What do you find yourself turning to time and again that cannot satisfy/ provide/help you? In what ways do you turn to a “pool” instead of Jesus?
Explore Deeper – John 5:1-15
- READ: One person will first read the scripture selection in the King James Version.
- RE-READ: Next, another person will read the same passages in a modern language or amplified version for more clarity such as the New Living Translation (NLT), Message Bible (MSG), New English Translation (NET), Amplified Bible (AMP), etc. We recommend using the YouVersion Bible app.
- RETELL: One person will begin retelling the scripture passage in their own words (a new person to start each week is great!) Then as a group, work together to fill in gaps and build the story. This will help us internalize and own it. Be sure everyone participates.
Verse 1
- What purpose did Jesus have to go to Jerusalem at this time, and why might it have been important to him and the dsiciples?
- What ways do followers of Jesus follow traditions today, and are they good or bad?
Verses 2-4
- Considering how large the crowd must have been at the pool, what might the general feeling have been about being near sick people? What might the feeling have been about the chance to be healed?
- Does the Bible say the angel stirring the water was a legend, or a true happening?
- What kinds of people might have been there this day? Describe the potential social classes, present needs, ages, etc.
Verse 5-7
- The verses describe the man’s condition as “an infirmity”. What clues are present that help us understnad what his infirmity might have been?
- Do we know how old this man was?
- How did Jesus know the man had been sick for a long time?
- What effort did the man put into his potential healing?
- What was his reason for not having been healed yet?
- What kind of answer was Jesus looking for, based on his question?
Verse 8-9
- What is the significance in the command Jesus gave to this lame man?
- What responsibility belonged to the man in receiving his healing?
- What responsibility belongs to us in receiving a healing from God?
- Describe the feelings this man must have had, walking after 38 years of not being able to.
Verse 10
- What was the respons of the Pharisees who witnessed the man walking with his bed? Why were they questioning him?
Verse 11
- What reason did the healed man give for breaking the Sabbath?
- Why might the man have felt breaking the Sabbath was worth doing?
Verse 12-13
- Why were the Pharisees insistent that he tell them who told him to take up his bed?
- Why were they more interested in the command to take up the bed than they were in the healing?
Verse 14-15
- Jesus tracked the man down later to instruct him further… what did he tell him?
- What connection did Jesus make with this man’s sins and his sickness?
- What did the man do equipped with this new knowledge of who healed him?
- What should our response be when we’re blessed by God?