Meet Our Leaders
Pastor Jay

From myself and our church family here at the Pentecostals, I want to extend a heartfelt welcome! Hopefully, you’re finding our website informative, engaging and encouraging. The purpose of this site is to compliment the other online and offline ministries and services of our church, providing resources both to the visitor and the member.
The Pentecostals are the most caring and committed individuals I have met. My wife Angela and I have found this church to be a community we are proud to worship with and privileged to serve. We’re glad to have such a fine congregation to raise our family in, and friendships to trust in.
It’s my desire that you would make the Pentecostals your home church as well, and share with us in the blessings that come from serving the Lord Jesus Christ in Spirit and in Truth.
Feel free to contact me directly with any comments, questions or requests.
Jay Jones
Senior Pastor
Our Staff
Our church is blessed with an amazing number of volunteers and staff that make things happen day in and day out. Following are our team leads that help direct the activities of that awesome volunteer force.

Jay Jones
Senior Pastor

Angela Jones

Clarkston Morgan
Worship Pastor/Assistant Pastor

Nathan and Marisa Burgett
Young Adults Pastor/Assistant Pastor

LaKendra Morgan
Assistant Treasurer

Jonathan Stoimenoff
Youth Pastor

Alex Porter
Central Team/Minister

Theresa Porter
Central Team/Scheduler

Nick Burgett
Missions Team Lead

Kelsea Williams
Communications Lead/Kids Team Lead

Tylor Williams
Kids Pastor

Jessica Payne
Nursery Lead

Mary Walker
First Impressions Team Lead

Chris Berry
Tech Arts Lead

Lacey Villegas
Facilities Cleaning Team Lead