Give Now
Give online with our secure giving formWe use Tithely
…for processing our online payments, however you DO NOT NEED a Tithely account to give a one-time gift (See Q&A below). Simply select the appropriate giving method after hitting the button to the right, and fill in the amount. You’ll be able to use any of the following payment methods…

Your generosity is changing lives
Simple and secure giving. Give one-time or schedule recurring giving using the options below.
Our church is able to provide incredible programs, events, and outreach because of our congregation and their suppport. By supporting the Pentecostals, you’re directly impacting the future of our community and its spiritual health. Click the button below to give now… (or give with PayPal here.)
Online Giving Q&A
Is it safe and secure for me to send money through this site?
Yes. Our page uses Secure Socket Layers to protect your personal information.
Do I have to have a Tithely account to give online?
No. While recurring offerings require you to have a Tithely account, one is not required to give a one-time gift.
Can I set up recurring donations?
Yes. Simply enter the amount you’d like to give in the appropriate field above, and select the “Recurring Giving” checkbox.
Will my contributions be reflected on my annual giving statement?
What if I change banks?
You can always update your recurring giving subscriptions through this site.
Can I update the frequency or amount of my donation?
Yes, by simply updating your recurring giving subscriptions.
How do I get help?
Can I use a credit or debit card?
Can I just try this once?
When is my donation charged to my account?
Do I pay any additional fees to give online?
No. We will be charged a small amount in providing this convenience to you, but you will not be charged any fees. You may choose to cover fees when you check out, however.
Do I have to give online?
The Pentecostals of Kentwood
PO Box 8542
Kentwood, MI 49518