Prior to Jesus leaving earth, He left an incredible charge to his disciples… He said, “You GO into all the world…” Going is a vital aspect of the Christian life. Our purpose in going is that we would commit the rest of our life to the mission of being a messenger of God’s Good News to other people… To use our time, talents, and treasure for His Kingdom, regardless of where it leads or what it costs.
2 Corinthians 5:9 We make it our goal to please him.
2 Corinthians 10:13 Our goal is to measure up to God’s plan for us.

Missions & Ministry
We believe in reaching out to people in need, whether our closest neighbors or from the furthest continent.

Share Your Story
Sharing your personal testimony is one of the most powerful ways to show God’s love to others.

One of the most fulfilling experiences we have is sharing Jesus with others. Learn how you can reach them.

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