Just as with fishing, there are many approaches to discipleship – some new, some old – but the practice is as old as humans. Right now, we’re inclined to turn our current tackle box upside down and rebuild it from scratch. But don’t worry, we aren’t interested in reinventing the wheel… however, we do want to make sure we’ve got the right hooks, lures, and rods for the type of fish that are in our ponds.
Each week, we’ll post short devotions for you learn valuable information. Those devotions will help frame our discussions for the upcoming Group gathering.
Go Fish – Week 11 – Day 4
Day 4: Don’t wait until God speaks to you. God doesn’t speak to us about things that he commanded us to do in the scripture. God speaks to us when we are walking in the commandments of what he has given us in scripture. God opens doors of opportunity when we...
Go Fish – Week 11 – Day 3
Day 3: Don’t wait until you to go to the next level. We should never stop growing in God, as a result, disciple making is one of the first steps we should have taken in our walk with God. We should always want to do more for God. We should always want to do be...
Go Fish – Week 11 – Day 2
Day 2: Don’t wait until you have perfected Christianity. The disciples were not chosen from the premier students of the temple, but the shores of the sea and tables of tax collecting. The disciples didn’t have the luxury of the New Testament to draw from. The...
Go Fish – Week 11 – Day 1
Day 1: Don’t wait until you have all the answers. We will never have all the answers to life. We will never have all the answers to the Bible. Your love for the lost should supersede your fear of not knowing the answer. Final Thoughts We will never have all the...
Go Fish – Week 10 – Day 5
Overview The attitude we have towards disciple making will directly impact the relationships we build. Is it all about us? Or all about them? Is our attitude selfless or selfish? Are we more interested in our success or the will of God? A Godly attitude of...
Go Fish – Week 10 – Day 4
Day 4: Walk Slowly Through the Crowd If you want to really have the intentional and purposeful attitude of finding that disciple, walk slowly through the crowd with the mentality of “there you are,” while praying for God to direct you, and to increase Himself...
Go Fish – Week 10 – Day 3
Day 3: “Here I am,” or “There You Are?” What are your first thoughts as you walk into a room full of people? Do you think, “here I am,” or “there you are?” Naturally, we enter into a place and think we are filling that room with our wonderful presence, when in...
Go Fish – Week 10 – Day 2
Day 2: Go To Where They Are Have you ever been fly fishing or deep sea fishing? Sure, you can grab a pole, line and some bait and hang out at the edge of the river waiting for a nibble, but you can also go to where the fish is. You can get special lures and...
Go Fish – Week 10 – Day 1
Day 1: Finding the Right Catch There are many ways to find a fish. When it comes to disciple making, your attitude towards disciple making is the biggest determining factor in the fish you will find to disciple. Jesus ministered to any and everyone with a need,...
Go Fish – Week 9 – Day 4
8 Declarations for a Disciple Maker Day 4: A Human Example Declaration #8: A disciple maker is a human example of Jesus A disciple maker guides their disciple to an overcoming life. A disciple maker guides their disciple to a joyful life. A...