Just as with fishing, there are many approaches to discipleship – some new, some old – but the practice is as old as humans. Right now, we’re inclined to turn our current tackle box upside down and rebuild it from scratch. But don’t worry, we aren’t interested in reinventing the wheel… however, we do want to make sure we’ve got the right hooks, lures, and rods for the type of fish that are in our ponds.
Each week, we’ll post short devotions for you learn valuable information. Those devotions will help frame our discussions for the upcoming Group gathering.
Go Fish – Week 9 – Day 3
8 Declarations for a Disciple Maker Day 3: Disciple Makers Answer Questions Declaration #7: A disciple makers answers the tough questions. A disciple maker doesn’t shy away from questions about an Apostolic service. A disciple maker doesn’t allow...
Go Fish – Week 9 – Day 2
8 Declarations for a Disciple Maker Day 2:The Disciple Maker’s Spirit Declaration #6: The spirit of a disciple maker is one that earnestly desires his or her disciple to excel and exceed. A disciple maker will put their reputation on the line for the...
Go Fish – Week 9 – Day 1
8 Declarations for a Disciple Maker Day 1: Disciple Makers Vision Declaration #5: Disciple makers see potential in their disciples. A disciple maker is able to see the hand of God in their life. A disciple maker envisions God using and magnifying...
Go Fish – Week 8 – Day 4
8 Declarations for a Disciple Maker Day 4: Disciple Makers Are Directed. Declaration #4: Disciple makers can be directed by God to come alongside specific prospective disciples who are less spiritually developed. God directed Elijah to choose a successor, and...
Go Fish – Week 8 – Day 3
8 Declarations for a Disciple Maker Day 3: Disciple Makers Replicate Themselves Declaration #3: A disciple maker replicates him/herself to carry on the message and mission of Christ. It’s easy to live without an expectation or urgency to pass on the Gospel. The...
Go Fish – Week 8 – Day 2
8 Declarations for a Disciple Maker Day 2: A disciple maker worth following Declaration #2: A disciple maker must be someone worth following. A disciple maker should be more mature than their followers, but they don’t need to have absolute Christian perfection....
Go Fish – Week 8 – Day 1
8 Declarations for a Disciple Maker Day 1: A Disciple Maker Is a Guide Declaration #1: A disciple maker is a guide who leads the believer into a new and undiscovered life. Disciple-making was the culture during Jesus’ ministry. Jesus explicitly taught and...
Go Fish – Week 7 – Day 5
Overview We all have a pond. This pond is characterized by the people that surround us, the places we go, and where we spend our time. Your pond matters. It matters because this is the place where you will minister. You don’t need to leave your pond, you don’t...
Go Fish – Week 7 – Day 4
Day 4: My Pond Matters Springs, ponds, rivers, streams and lakes are all interconnected. It can be complicated stuff, but they are all connected someway and somehow. Our pond is the neighborhood where we live, the streams and rivers are the routes we take to...
Go Fish – Week 7 – Day 3
Day 3: The Worship Center Jesus uncharacteristically made disciples by engaging sinners and strangers, turning them into friends, and eventually converting many of them into disciples. These were people who were not like him at all. He was the carpenter and...