

If you own a computer or smartphone, you’ve had to “reboot” it every once in a while. Similarly, if you have a battery powered tool, laptop, or tablet, you’ve had to plug it in so that it will be recharged and usable at optimum performance again.

From January through March, we challenge each person to REBOOT. It is a time of recommitting, rebuilding and refreshing. This program focuses on very attainable goals for attendance, Bible reading, prayer, fasting, and serving. You will use a customizable planning sheet (See downloads below) that will help you in your efforts to recommit, rebuild, and refresh yourself in 2012. Keep it in your Bible, purse, briefcase, on your refrigerator, etc.

Reboot is about helping you make the most of your walk with God this year. It’s about personal growth and church growth. It’s about commitment to the things of God. It’s about doing it together. Together, let’s be committed to the cause of Jesus Christ!

Downloadable REBOOT resources

Following are some helpful downloadable resources to help you get the most out of REBOOT.

Commitment Planning Sheets

Each Commitment Planning Sheet is customizable to help you build a plan that suits you. Fill in the blanks for your desired commitment each month, and simply do your best to accomplish your goals. This isn’t about measuring up to someone else’s expectations, nor is it about feeling guilty for not reaching your goal. It’s simply about making a plan and doing your best. We even have age-specific plans for kids!
Commitment Sheet – January
Commitment Sheet – February
Commitment Sheet – March
Commitment Sheet – Kids Ages 2-11


Giving, Praying, Fasting
This brief lesson details instruction Jesus made about some very important Christian duties. Read this individually, or together with your family.

Weekly Family Devotions
One night per week, spend time in your household drawing closer to God together. These lessons revolve around the 10 Commandments, and will be a great blessing!

Bible Reading Plans

We have an entire web page devoted to various Bible reading plans for you to choose from. Select a plan that interests you, and enjoy reading more of God’s Word!
Click here to view Bible reading plans.

Desktop Wallpaper

Reboot Wallpaper – 1024×768

Reboot Wallpaper HD

iPhone Wallpaper

Style 1

Style 2