
At the Pentecostals, Jesus’ mission is our mission — reaching the lost and hurting. As the world grows darker, the Church should shine brighter. You can help, and together we can make a difference in the lives of those around us. Below are a few areas that you can get involved in to further this cause.

Personal Invitation Cards

A very simple and effective way to share the love of Christ is by utilizing our targeted church business cards and personal invitations. Be sure to pick up a stack of cards the next time you’re at church!

Bible Studies

Our ongoing Bible Study ministry coordinates teachers with students to learn the Bible very simply and comfortably. The fact is, you don’t need to be a scholar to teach a Bible study… literally, anyone can do it! Get involved and teach our simple, 40-minute Bible study to as many people as possible. What a tremendous way to get the message of Jesus Christ out! Contact us for more information.

HUG Grand Rapids

HUG Grand Rapids is an annual community outreach we conduct the week of February 14th. Each year for Valentine’s Day, our church buys bags of Hershey’s Hugs, thousands of ziplock snack bags, and confetti, and printed business cards with our “Hug” graphic.

We assemble over a thousand of these bags during a church fellowship time, putting 4 Hugs in each, a small spot of confetti, and a card. We then bag up 25 of these into plastic grocery bags and give them to our members to distribute on Valentine’s Day.

The goal is for each person in the church to distribute Hugs to as many people as they can. We specifically target people who are working in stores, restaurants, and other places of service. The reason for this is to be a blessing to those who were having to sacrifice their own time to make sure others had a good holiday.

The results are incredible!!! We’ve received so much positive feedback that we almost couldn’t keep up with it. Phonecalls came in, our website traffic went through the roof, stories from our saints about people breaking down in tears at the kindness… a few of the workers, cashiers, waitresses, and waiters that got a “hug” actually came back and returned it with a real hug with tears in their eyes. This is all combined with our Hug Grand Rapids website. Check it out, and plan to get involved next Valentine’s Day!